After Forty years ago today, the world watched men land on the moon. We have a couple of hoax photo about the Apollo 11 mission is fake.
1.Why flag waving on the moon
American flag appears is made people presume that Apollo 11 was faked because the to be flapping as if "in a breeze" in videos and photographs supposedly taken from the airless lunar surface.The fact of the matter is "the video you see where the flag's moving is because the astronaut just placed it there, and the inertia from when they let go kept it moving," said spaceflight historian Roger Launius, of the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C.
2. Foot Prints wet sand
You can notice that Apollo 11 was hoax because the astronauts' prints are a bit too clear for being made on a bone-dry world. Prints that well defined could only have been made in wet sand. The fact of the matter is that's nonsense, said Bad Astronomy's Plait. Moondust, or regolith, is "like a finely ground powder. When you look at it under a microscope, it almost looks like volcanic ash. So when you step on it, it can compress very easily into the shape of a boot." And those shapes could stay pristine for a long while thanks to the airless vacuum on the moon.
But in other hand We also have a link to a Wired magazine article about why the video of the moon landing looks so cruddy, and why you may never get to see the original, higher-quality footage.
And you? Do you think Apollo 11 is Hoax or Not?